Richard Frazier

Richard Frazier, Head of the Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences at Reading University has recently been awarded Member of the Month for helping to facilitate our recent Education Forum. Find out why he thinks it’s important to be an IFST member, how he keeps up to date with the latest Food Science and Technology news and juggling!

Lewis Chadley

Lewis Chadley has recently been nominated as 'Member of the Month' in particular for the recent presentations to students that hes given and helping us recruit members at Food Matters Live.

Steven Walker

Steven Walker, was nominated as IFST’s ‘Member of the Month for Chairing the recent IFST Education Forum earlier this month and doing such a great job!

Forum Presentation 2015

Brendan Mcdowell-IFST presentation.pdf
Derek Williams FDQ IFST Presentation Sept15.pdf
Gavin Gray-Science Quals Northern Ireland.pdf
Janette Graham-Technical Talent IFST.pdf
Jean Scrase 10 September presentation.pdf
John Alan -IFTS SQA 1.1.pdf
Moira Stalker- IFST_FDF_September15v1.pdf
Simon Banks - Science Presentation 10 September 2015.pdf

Tips from the Preliminary Judges on producing the perfect dossier

  • Read the brief and think what it means and how it applies to your product. 
  • Make sure your product has a strong eco backbone and doesn't feel like it has been shoe horned into the competition with tenuous links to eco themes. Cover the environmental aspects in a comprehensive and meaningful manner from the start, rather than attempting to justify them afterwards.
  • The competition is a European one - so do not make it all about food miles in your village unless it can be replicated in villages all over the EU

Martha Skinner

Martha Skinner was nominated as IFST's member of the month for her involvement in the Student Working Group.  Martha is also involved in the Sensory Science Group.

How does it feel to be recognised as 'Member of the Month'?

I was delighted to be awarded the IFST member of the month title.  It is fantastic to be involved in such a great organisation, and it’s nice to know the time I’ve spent volunteering has been appreciated.

Stephen Timms

Stephen Timms was nominated as Member of the Month having helped organise a recent technical visit to Wilkin and Sons and for the work he has been doing with IFSTs Education and Careers Committee.

How does it feel to be recognised as 'Member of the Month'?

I was surprised and humbled to be chosen as it is only in the past 6 months that I have been able to give back significant time and energy to assisting IFST although I've been a Member for over 20 years.