Richard Frazier

Richard is Professor of Food Science at the University of Reading and the Head of its Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences. He has an honours degree in Chemistry from the University of Bristol, which he followed with his PhD from the University of Nottingham. After postdoctoral research positions at Nottingham, Reading and Imperial College, he was appointed as a Lecturer at Reading in 2000, and was awarded his Personal Chair in 2013. Richard is an experienced and passionate university educator who strives to enable students to become independent and inspiring professionals through hi

Jane-Marie Hawronskyj

This weeks Volunteer of the Week is Jane-Marie Hawronskyj. Jane-Marie was Honourable Secretary of the Professional Development Committee for almost 3 years before handing over the role and recently taking up the Vice Chair position. Read why Jane-Marie became a Member of IFST, why she would encourage others to join the Food Safety Register, and what advice she would give someone thinking about a career in food science.

Sue Dix

This weeks Volunteer of the Week is Sue Dix. Sue is Chair of the South East Branch. Find out why she thinks it is important to be a member of IFST, and what the South East branch have been up to.

Ralph Blanchfield

Ralph Blanchfield has been an ongoing very active member for IFST for 52 years (including as its President in 1979 and 1980). Find out why it's important to be part of an organisation like IFST, How industry has changed over the last 50 years and his biggest professional achievement.

Sterling Crew

This weeks Volunteer of the Week is Sterling Crew. Sterling Crew is Vice President of the Institute of Food Science and Technology , chairs its Food Safety Group and sits on its Scientific Committee. He has recently joined the Campden BRI Science and Technology Committee. Sterling is a scientific commentator with regular columns and has published a number of papers.

Peter Sampson

This weeks Volunteer of the Week is Peter Sampson. Peter has been a IFST member since his student days. He is an active member of IFST's Western branch.

Leo Stevenson

This weeks Volunteer of the Week is Leo Stevenson, a Fellow and Chartered Scientist. He is been actively involved with IFST for many years including committee membership of North of England Branch.

Alex Kent

This week's Volunteer of the Week is Alex Kent, who has been a member of the South East Branch since the late 80’s. During this time he has been Branch Treasurer, Vice Chairman and Chairman. He has also helped with the organisation of the last three Spring Conferences and is involved in this year's Food Safety Conference, helping with the programme and exhibition.

Tom Hollands

Tom Holland is the Volunteer of the Week for his help with reading through and reviewing 50+ food safety articles for potential contributions to our new Trusted Resources part of the new food safety site.