We are delighted to confirm that IFST has been granted permission by the Privy Council to petition to become a Chartered body. This is an exciting and important milestone for the Institute and one which we have been working towards for very many years. If we are granted Chartered status, this will significantly raise the status of the profession – something which is much-needed given the critical importance of food scientists and technologists to the production of safe, nutritious and sustainable food for us all. Being given permission to petition for Chartership does not, of course, guarantee that we will ultimately be granted this status, but this is an important next step in our journey.
Part of our petition involves submitting to the Privy Council a draft Charter and Bylaws which would ultimately replace our current constitution currently set out in our Memorandum and Articles. On 17 November 2021, all professional members of IFST (Members and Fellows) will receive the formal Notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to be held virtually on 9 December 2021 to seek approval from voting members to draft Charter and Bylaws which, if we are granted Chartership, will replace our existing constitution consisting of our Memorandum and Articles. Having been approved by the Board, we strongly encourage all our Professional Members who are entitled to vote (MIFST and FIFST) to participate in the EGM and support our petition and these proposed changes.
Our President Helen Munday comments ‘Having been a member and involved with IFST for many years and seeing our professional body grow and develop over this time, I feel both proud and humbled to be leading IFST, when we have the opportunity to join many of the UK’s other leading professional bodies as a Chartered Institute. I urge you to use your vote and support the motion to approve the draft Charter and Bylaws.’
There are still many steps for us to take before we are hopefully granted Chartered status, but we hope all our members can see the great benefits that becoming a chartered body will bring in terms of raising the status of the profession.
If you are a member, please login to MyIFST to be able to read the Notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting, draft Charter and Bylaws, and other information which will be shown below.