We have several special interest groups to help members network with those who share similar interests.
Food Regulatory Group
The Food Regulatory Group (formerly known as Food Law Group) provides members interested in food legislation with an opportunity to engage and share knowledge with fellow members. The Group is involved in a wide range of activities, e.g. they host regular discussion workshops.
Food Safety Group
The Food Safety Group provides members interested in food safety with an opportunity to engage and share knowledge with fellow members. The Group hosts regular discussion workshops.
Food Science and Nutrition Group
The Food Science and Nutrition Group provides members interested in food science and nutrition with an opportunity to engage and share knowledge with fellow members. They host regular discussion workshops and collaborate with the Nutrition Society and Association for Nutrition.
Sensory Science Group
The Sensory Science Group provides members interested in sensory science with an opportunity to engage and share knowledge with fellow sensory scientists. The Group hosts a range of events such as the annual Sensory Science Conference and regular discussion workshops.
Food Innovation (Product & Packaging) Group
This group is aimed at food science and technology professionals interested in innovative food design and development, from concept through to final product.
Food Processing Group
This group will be of interest to food science and technology professionals interested in matters related to manufacturing, technology and equipment.