Although we are one food science and technology community, we have specialised groups to make it easier for our members to network based on shared interests, proximity or career stage etc. Our Special Interest Groups (SIGs), Branches and Working Groups each comprise of a committee of volunteer members, who meet both face-to-face and virtually and are actively involved in organising activities, events etc. The groups are supported by the central IFST executive team and provide excellent networking opportunities and support to group members. We will advertise vacant committee positions, as they become available.
Special Interest Groups
Our Special Interest Groups (SIGs) bring together all the latest information and events on important topics within food science to a single one-stop-shop.
We have eight branches across the UK for areas with a high volume of IFST members. Branch activities are great way to meet fellow IFST members in a social or netwroking setting and bring together members to plan or attend events such as factory visits or conferences, run competitions and hold meetings.
Sustainability Steering Group
The Sustainability Steering Group has been created to support IFST in translating the issues, sharing updates on developments and provide outputs relating to sustainability.
We run a number of Committees. They are made up of volunteers, members of the Executive Team and a Board member. Our Committees oversee activities relating to their particular area and feedback to the Board. The Forums help develop policy, take work forward, and inform the debate.
Corporate Supporters
At the Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST), we collaborate with organisations to develop the skills and expertise needed to strengthen your position in the food system as a responsible and sustainable operation.