As well as our vibrant and growing membership base of food technical professionals (now over 3500 members), IFST has a large network of high-quality individuals and organisations that engage with and support the many activities we are involved in. If your organisation is in any way connected with the food sector - whether as a food manufacturer, a legislator, a retailer, a supplier, contractor or as a policymaker - then our webinars and events provide a great opportunity to connect your organisation with our extensive and wide range of influencers and decision-makers.
Our reach is as below:
IFST’s website: 300,000 visitors annually.
YouTube: 1,700+ subscribers.
Our followers on:
LinkedIn: 76,500+
Facebook: 24,000+
Instagram: 6,600+
X (formerly Twitter): 8,500+
Threads: 1,000+
Bluesky: 500+
Do you want to reach a highly engaged community of technical specialists-many of whom work for the UK's top food manufacturing and retail companies?
Each month IFST’s Special Interest Groups (SIGs) organise webinars and physical meetings which feature some of the leading technical issues of the day. You are invited to sponsor one of these events by having your company logo associated with an event on the day and on promotional materials. All webinars are supported by the IFST central team and are of the highest quality, both in terms of the webinar content and speakers but also in their delivery. They provide outstanding support to food industry representatives. Typically, a 1-hour webinar format may include a presentation and/or panel discussion and Q&A.
Webinars are also made available as a recording after the initial live session ensuring your company name is seen by a wider audience than just on the day.
IFST's Special Interest Groups are as follows:
Food Regulatory
Food Safety
Food Science & Nutrition
Sensory Science
Food Innovation (Product & Packaging)
Food Processing
Who attends our webinars?
A global audience ranging from 150-300 delegates including:
- Food industry representatives
- Technical food specialists, managers and decision makers
- Retailers
- Consultants
- Academics
- Researchers
- Students
Hosted Webinar Sponsorship
- One webinar per quarter
- Your logo is displayed prominently on the event page and introduction slides
- Your presenters talk on a topic that is relevant to your business whilst reflecting the values and interests of IFST members
- An IFST representative will host and take questions on your behalf
- Access to names and email addresses of event registrants
Contact: Senior Commercial Manager - events@ifst.org
SIG Webinar Sponsor
£1500 +VAT
- Company logo on the IFST website (Events) as the main sponsor throughout the promotion of the webinar
- Company logo on main presentation slides
- Thank you from the webinar Chair/Facilitator
- Company name included in the webinar reminders & post-event feedback emails
Contact: Senior Commercial Manager - events@ifst.org
IFST is the leading professional body for food scientists and technologists. As a registered charity it is independent of government, industry and special interest or lobby groups. As such we are actively involved in a number of high-profile projects in support of food professionals and the wider food science and technology agenda.
Current projects include:
- Register of Food Safety Professionals – a specialist professional register to recognise and encourage the professional development of food safety professionals
- MyCPD – an online CPD system to record and manage professional development
- Student Career LaunchPads – a highly energising and enlightening one-day event for undergraduate students to better understand the career options available to them when they complete their studies
- Ecotrophelia – a ‘Dragon’s Den’ style new product development competition run jointly with Campden BRI as the UK heats leading to an EU final. Our corporate supporters recognise the important work that IFST does and provide much needed financial support that allows us to continue our work in advancing the profession.
In return, as a corporate supporter, your organisation will receive year-round recognition on our corporate supporters’ website page as well as free places at all of our key events and recognition at these events.
For more information about how to become a Corporate Supporter, see more here or contact our Senior Commercial Manager here.