We have compiled this set of trusted educational resources to support teaching and training about food allergens.
IFST Resources
Food and Drink Federation (FDF)
Food Standards Agency (FSA)
- Food allergy and intolerance online interactive training [revised 2020 to include PPDS], for local authorities and businesses
- Allergy training for food businesses: online food allergy training and e-learning resources for food businesses
- Root Cause Analysis (RCA) training
Food allergen labelling and information requirements technical guidance
Food Standards Scotland (FSS)
- ‘MenuCal’ tool for foodservice, hospitality and catering. Free and easy-to-use by food businesses to provide information about the calories and allergens in their dishes, to help customers to make informed choices
- Food allergen labelling and information requirements technical guidance
Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
- CODEX Code Of Practice On Food Allergen Management For Food Business Operators (CXC 80-2020)
- Ad hoc Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Risk Assessment of Food Allergens Part 2: Review and establish threshold levels in foods of the priority allergens
Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI)
- Short e-seminar intended to familiarise the viewer with the concepts of food allergen risk assessment and specifically with the risks from unintended allergen presence.
- Food Allergens Risk Assessment Part 2
- This e-seminar was compiled by Benjamin C Remington, PhD, and follows on from the e-seminar, “An Introduction to Food Allergen Risk Assessment"
- Risk Management for Food Allergy (2014): book developed by a team of scientists and industry professionals who understand the importance of allergen risk assessment and presents practical, real-world guidance for food manufacturers. Edited by C Bernhard Madsen, R Crevel, C Mills, S Taylor ISBN 978-0-12-381988-8 Elsevier Inc. Academic Press
- Gluten-free legislation: Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 828/2014: on the requirements for the provision of information to consumers on the absence or reduced presence of gluten in food
- ILSI-Europe's Practical Guidance on the Application of Food Allergen Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA)
- RSSL White Paper on The Importance of Cleaning Validation in Allergen Management*
- RSSL White Paper on Finding a Route to Successful ‘Free-from’ Production*
Campden BRI
Government Chemist (LGC)
Allergy Action
- Allergy Action provides information to help allergic people choose food and travel safely as well as advice and training in food allergen risk management
Anaphylaxis Campaign
Allergy UK
- A charity providing support, advice and information for those living with allergic disease. They have produced downloadable fact sheets on several types of food allergy
1. Some large organisations have designed and published outputs on food safety practices they employ. These are simply provided as examples and do not signify endorsement by IFST.
2. The following assessment reports show how some large organisations have designed and published their outputs. These are simply provided as examples and do not signify endorsement by IFST.
3. IFST’s values include our commitment to provide independent, authoritative evidence-based science. In signposting material and resources from other organisations, we cannot accept liability for their content, nor do we underwrite such commercial messages that they may contain.