Food Safety Practitioner (RFoodSPrac) is the first level of the Register of Food Safety Professionals.
Practitioners are likely to be responsible for technical functions within laboratories or quality departments. They will operate Critical Control Points and contribute to internal audit operations. They will identify and use scientific methods at work to address broadly-defined complex problems. They will work without close supervision at work and may exercise some degree of autonomy in their role whilst still adhering to company policy and protocol.
Our assessment process is based on demonstrating competences but, to give you an indication, below are just a few of the example routes that could lead to someone being eligible for Practitioner status. Please note that qualifications are not a requirement (except for HACCP*) and applications can be assessed solely based on experience:
- 7 years’ experience in a relevant food safety role.
- Foundation degrees/HND/HNC/NVQ IV or QCF Level 3 qualifications (for example A' levels in science subjects) in all scientific and technological disciplines plus 4 years’ experience in a relevant food safety role.
- BSc & higher degrees in other science/tech plus 3 years’ experience in relevant food safety-related role.
- BSc Food Sc/Tech and closely related subjects plus 2 years’ experience in relevant food safety-related role. Up to 1-year work experience gained as part of your qualification can count towards this.
- Master’s degree or PhD in food science or technology plus 1 year’s experience in a relevant food safety-related role.
There is a £39 registration fee. The annual renewal fee is £39.
How to apply:
Before you begin an application for RFoodSPrac you must have at least Associate membership of IFST. You can apply online by logging in to your IFST account. Please ensure you have read the guidance document (below) before submitting your application.
Ongoing registration:
In order to maintain your RFoodSPrac status, you will need to pay a renewal fee, and are required to annually confirm that you remain professionally active, competent to perform your role, and have engaged in Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Every three years you will be required to submit a summary report of your CPD activities during the previous year, and 25 hours of CPD are required to meet the renewal target. You will be given access an online tool where you can add your CPD activities. More information on the CPD standards is available here: CPD standards