We understand and appreciate that, for each of us as consumers, our own situations are complex and challenging in terms of leading and enjoying a sustainable lifestyle. The aim of these food-related resources is to provide reliable and easy to understand help and guidance.
Resource risks and pressures. Risk reduction (mitigated/ unmitigated). Materiality assessments. Unintended consequences/impacts of sustainability goals.
- Institute of Grocery Distribution (IGD): Climate change
- Chilled Food Association (CFA): Refrigeration temperature awareness
- UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Healthy sustainable diet
Circular economy and sustainable manufacturing including Net Zero and food waste/plastic
- IFST Webinar: Managing Waste at the Consumer Interface
- IFST New Food Waste Resources
- IFST Food Waste fact sheet
- IFST Food Preservation fact sheet
- IFST Date Labelling of Pre-Packaged Food fact sheet
- IFST Food and Drink Packaging fact sheet
- Fareshare: Fighting hunger, tackling food waste
- Fareshare’s Tips for reducing food waste
- Which? guide on freezing for consumers
Novel production systems and ingredients