Understanding Creativity

Book: Creative Confidence, Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All - by Tom and David Keeley

Written by the founders of IDEO, this book helps individuals grow their confidence in all things creative

TED Talks Collection: Simple Ways to Spark Your Creativity

A collection of TED talks about creativity

Paper: The teaching of Creative Thinking, by Edward de Bono

Article written by De Bono (1991, revised in 2018) which discusses the teaching of creative thinking: why some traditional approaches are not good enough; why just release from inhibitions and ‘craziness’ is much too weak; the logical basis of creativity and the systematic tools based on this; what can be done

Studio Why: Unlocking Creativity and Innovation through Design Thinking, New Comprehensive Guide 2023

A guide giving practical tips and examples on how to embrace the power of design thinking for problem-solving and innovation, fostering empathy, creativity and collaboration. Provides tools that can be modified to meet individual needs

TED Talk: Creative Thinking - How to Get out of the Box and Generate Ideas

Professor Corazza teaches science and the applications of creative thinking (why/which/how/where/what/when). This talk explains how to get out of the box and generate ideas, demonstrating that a quick jump is more insightful than a lifetime of standard thinking