Plan a Creative Session

IDEO U: Article and links on Brainstorming Resources

On creativity and design thinking, part of a design firm that focuses on human centred design, this resource covers basic steps for running a brainstorming session

IFST Webinar: Ideation that works (and virtually)

IFST Food Innovation Special Interest Group (SIG) webinar on what to consider when planning and running an ideation session, even when done virtually; featuring McConnon, a front-end innovation consultant

Book: How to Future, Leading and Sense-Making in an Age of Hyperchange

A guidebook to futuring and covering tools and practices that illuminate new strategic pathways

Food by Design: 5 tips for successful food innovation

A blog providing 5 tips on food innovation which can be applied to: supermarket products, business to business (B2B) players, retail formulas, high tech start-ups and restaurants, from an organisation with 20 years of experience in food innovation

Paper: Design thinking for food: Remote association as a creative tool in the context of the ideation of new rice-based meals

Incorporating whole rice and bran in innovative products is challenging, hence an experimental method based on the creativity association theory can be applied. Following the Design Thinking approach, 9 chefs received a stimulus to generate words related to rice recipes leading to more creative ideas

Paper: Tool to Support Citizen Participation and Multidisciplinarity in Food Innovation, Circular Food Design

A newly developed circular food design model which visualises an iterative approach. A flexible and creative tool to structure the new food development, which can support a way of thinking that will lead to multidisciplinary and citizens participating in this area. Includes links with design thinking

LinkedIn: Innovation and Creativity Toolkit

A collation of various tools and techniques that can be used to help unleash creativity and successfully bring innovative products and services to market as well as some sources of inspiration for what the future may look like. The tools cover various stages from ideation to delivery