IFST Technical Briefs are put together by subject-matter experts to give concise and scientifically reliable summaries of key food science and technology topics. They aim to provide technical managers with the knowledge they need to respond to industry requirements. If you have any questions about the series or would like to discuss the content of any of the Technical Brief documents, please contact us.
Forever Chemicals: Perfluorated Compounds Focus (including PFAS)IFST's Technical Brief on Forever Chemicals answers the
Intellectual PropertyIFST's Technical Brief on Intellectual Property (IP) was created by the Food Innovation (Product and Packaging) Special Interest Group and includes information on:
Artificial Intelligence and Food SafetyIFST's Technical brief on Artificial Intelligence and Food Safety answers the following questions:
Food Reformulation for SaltIFST's Technical Brief on Food Reformulation for Salt answers the following questions:
Starting a Food Manufacturing BusinessIFST's Technical Brief on Starting a Food Manufacturing Business
Setting up a Food Production FacilityIFST's Technical Brief on Setting up a Food Production Facility covers the following:
Food Reformulation for FatsIFST's Technical Brief on Food Reformulation for Fats covers the following:
Food Reformulation for SugarsIFST's Technical Brief on Food Reformulation for Sugars covers the following:
Acrylamide in FoodIFST's Technical Brief on Acrylamide in Food covers the following: