The Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST) is the UK’s leading professional body that aims to advance the application of food science and technology for the benefit, safety and health of the public. Our wide-ranging professional membership comprises stakeholders working in all corners of the food system, who are directly involved in the evolution of the UK food sector.
Our values place scientific evidence at the core of any engagement with the public, policymakers and members, ensuring that evidence remains central to future UK food system developments.
We present IFST’s Food Science and Technology Asks for the government.
Our asks are downloadable via this link:
We have four asks for the next government of the United Kingdom:
1. Establish a Coherent Food Policy.
In the first 100 days: Nominate a dedicated food minister in the cabinet who will oversee and implement a National Food Strategy to recognise the importance of food as a public good.
2. Positively Engage on Food Education.
In the first 100 days: Commit to developing and implementing a UK-wide national food strategy which:
- Serves education to support healthy and sustainable food choices.
- Provides a pathway for excellence in education at all levels to support the food system.
3. Build a Flourishing Environment for Research Investment
In the first 100 days: Provide a commitment to research investment over the coming years, appropriate to the needs of the UK (£20 billion per year on R&D by 2024/25, increasing to £22 billion per year by 2026/27) and which recognises the central importance of the food system.
4. Develop an Evidence-Based and Scientifically Sound Approach to Sustainability for the Food Industry.
In the first 100 days: As part of the UK-wide National Food Strategy, develop and use evidence-based and scientifically sound standards to underpin policy concerning food sustainability including GHG reductions and working towards net zero, while avoiding critical trade-offs.
Should you have any questions about our Food Science and Technology Asks for the next government, please contact Stephen French, IFST Scientific Policy Director, by clicking here.