Food Science Fact Sheets

Food Science Fact Sheets have been compiled to provide clear, concise and scientifically reliable information on key food science topics. They aim to provide the public or lay reader with a basic understanding of scientific principles. If you have any questions about the series or would like to discuss the content of any of the Food Science Fact Sheets, please contact us!


IFST's Food Science Fact Sheet on Sugars answers theFact sheet sugars following questions:

  • What are sugars?
  • What is the function of sugar?
  • Are there differences between sugars?
  • Can sugars be replaced?
  • How much sugar can I consume?
  • Is sugar bad for you?


Hand Hygiene

Hand Hygiene

IFST's Food Science Fact Sheet on Hand Hygiene includes information on:

  • Why should you wash your hands?
  • How to wash your hands?
  • Myth-busting


Date Labelling of Pre-Packaged Food  

Date labelling of Pre-Packaged Food

IFST's Food Science Fact Sheet on Date Labelling of Pre-Packaged Food answers the following questions:

  • Why do we need Date Labelling?
  • What are commonly used date labelling terms?
  • Which products are exempt from date coding?
  • How is the shelf life determined?
  • How should food be stored?
  • What temperatures should you be storing your chilled product at?


Food Additives

IFST's Food Science Fact Sheet on Food Additives answers the following questions:

  • What are food additives?
  • Why are additives used?
  • What are E numbers?
  • What do food additives do?
  • How are food additives controlled? 
  • How do I know if additives are in my food?


Food Allergy

IFST's Food Science Fact Sheet on Food Allergy answers the following questions:Food Science Fact Sheet on Food Allergy
  • What is a food allergy?
  • What is a food intolerance?
  • What are the major food allergens?
  • How food allergens should be labelled?


Food and Drink Packaging

IFST's Food Science Fact Sheet on Food and Drink Packaging answers the following questions:Food Science Fact Sheet on Food Allergy
  • Why is packaging used?
  • Where is packaging used?
  • What materials are used?
  • Can materials be combined?
  • How can shelf life be extended?


Food Hygiene Ratings 

IFST's Food Science Fact Sheet on Food Hygiene Ratings answers the following questions:

  • How do food companies ensure they produce products people want?
  • Who’s involved in sensory testing?
  • Where do people evaluate products?
  • Why is it more than just tasting? 


Food Waste

IFST's Food Science Fact Sheet on Food Waste answers the following questions:

  • Why does food waste matter?
  • What is food waste?
  • How can food waste be prevented?
  • How can I waste less food?


Sensory and Consumer Science

IFST's Food Science Fact Sheet on Sensory and Consumer Science answers the following questions:

  • How do food companies ensure they produce products people want?
  • Who’s involved in sensory testing?
  • Where do people evaluate products?
  • Why is it more than just tasting? 


Food Preservation

IFST's Food Science Fact Sheet on Food Preservation answers the following questions:

  • Why are foods preserved?
  • What causes food to spoil?
  • What are the common methods?
  • Important considerations


UK Allergen Labelling Amendment 2021

IFST's Food Science Fact Sheet on UK Allergen Labelling Amendment 2021 answers the following questions:

  • What is Natasha's Law?
  • Why is this change being made?
  • Where are the relevant regulations?
  • Where is the official guidance?


Gut Health and the Microbiome

IFST's Food Science Fact Sheet on Gut Health and the Microbiome answers the following questions:

  • What is the gut microbiome?
  • Why is the microbiome important?
  • How does food play a part?
  • What is the relationship between gut health and other organs?



Protein Food Sources

IFST's Food Science Fact Sheet on Protein Food Sources answers the following questions:

  • What are proteins?
  • Why are they important?
  • Sources
  • How do they compare?
  • What does the law say?


Safe Heating of Food

IFST's Food Science Fact Sheet on Safe Heating of Food answers the following questions:

  • Why do we heat food?
  • What are the disadvantages of heating food?
  • What are the key considerations?
  • How does the cost of energy affect food safety?
  • Dispelling myths


Food Processing

IFST's Food Science Fact Sheet on Food Processing answers the following questions:

  • What is food processing? 
  • How processed is our food? 
  • Examples of processed foods
  • What are the benefits? 
  • What other considerations are there? 
  • How to achieve a balanced diet


Fats and Oils

IFST's Food Science Fact Sheet on Fats and Oils answers the following questions:

  • What are fats and oils? 
  • What is cholesterol? 
  • Why are fats and oils important? 
  • What is plasticity? 
  • What are government recommendations? 


Safe Handling of Meat and Seafood

IFST's Food Science Fact Sheet on the Safe Handling of Meat and Seafood answers the following questions:

  • What is safe handling of meat and seafood? 
  • What are the key steps to follow? 
  • What is cross-contamination? 
  • Where can cross-contamination occur? 
  • What other considerations are there? 


Cereals and Ancient Grains

IFST's Food Science Fact Sheet on the Cereals and Ancient Grains answers the following questions:

  • Why should we consume cereals? 
  • Usages around the world
  • The structure of a wheat grain
  • Dietary recommendations
  • How does cereal impact Glycaemic Index?
  • Other benefits of cereals and grains
  • What are the allergen risks and intolerances? 


Food Crime

IFST's Food Science Fact Sheet on Food Crime answers the following questions:

  • What is food crime? 
  • What is food fraud? 
  • What is food authenticity?
  • How are we protected? 
  • What are the different types of food fraud?
  • How to spot and avoid it
  • What to do if you have concerns




IFST Fact Sheet Food Crime.pdf