Creative Techniques

HubSpot: Energisers and Ice Breakers

Energisers to spice up team meetings, brainstorm sessions and workshops

IDEO Book: The Field Guide to Human Centred Design

Textbook explaining the basics of human centred design. Not specific to food innovation, but covers the principles that apply to any product development and innovation

TED Talks Collection: Kickstart Your Creativity

A collection of TED talks on creativity

IFST Webinar: Unlocking your Inner Superhero, Tools and Techniques for Creativity

IFST Food Innovation Special Interest Group (SIG) webinar: ‘Unlocking Your Inner Superhero: Tools and Techniques for Creativity‘

Thinkertoys A Handbook of Creative-Thinking Techniques, by Michael Michalko, 2006

Compendium of creative technique for those that like to have an easy to reference guide

Book: Gamestorming

A book and website (with a lot of free resources) with games that can be used to brainstorm ideas

Coursera Course: Creative Thinking: Techniques and Tools for Success

A free online course, that one can take at their own pace. It will equip you with a toolbox, introducing you to a selection of behaviours and techniques that will augment your innate creativity. You can pick and choose which tools or techniques suit your needs and interests, focusing on some or all of the selected approaches, and in the order that fits best. Some tools are suitable to use on your own and others work well for a group; enabling you to leverage the power of several minds 

Nesta: Don't Stop Thinking about Tomorrow, A Modest Defence of Futurology

An introduction to futurology booklet

Oxford Creativity: TRIZ Effects database

A database of effects of Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ), an established creativity technique, especially amongst engineers

SessionLab: 37 Brainstorming Techniques to Unlock Team Creativity

Finding new and innovative ideas is a vital part of the growth and success of any team or organisation, but what brainstorming technique might you use to help make true innovation a reality? Find out in this collection of 37 effective brainstorming techniques to unlock team creativity

Scamper, a Creative Thinking Technique

How to use the SCAMPER (Substitute, Combine, Adjust, Modify, Put to other uses, Eliminate and Reverse) creativity technique to devise new and different ideas and thinking, based on the work of Osborn and Eberle

TED Talk: 4 Simple Ways to Have a Great Idea

In this short, entertaining talk, writer and researcher St. John makes the case that great ideas can come from surprisingly humble beginnings. His whistlestop tour of ways to think about ideas includes insights from the likes of Virgin entrepreneur Branson, Nobel Prize-winning physicist Feynman and singer Sam Smith

Hyper Island Toolbox

From an educational institution specialising in digital and leadership courses who have created a free online toolkit with a lot of energisers and brainstorming techniques and activities

Mind Tools: Introduction to TRIZ

An introduction to Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ), a problem solving and idea generation tool, often used by engineers

Iowa State University: Food Product Development Lab Manual

A practical ‘how-to’ guide illustrating the process of developing a new food product from ideation and formulation to processing and commercialization. This eBook highlights the overall process and gives instructions for each step along the way

IFST Webinar - Innovation and Creativity are NOT the same – and you’re capable of both! Hanne Kristiansen founder of Creative ID™ hosted this online event for IFST. 
Hanne’s mission is to put creative intelligence within reach of everyone (not just the lucky few!) so the world of work becomes a more human, agile and inclusive place to be. Hanne has worked in innovation for various food & drink companies including United Biscuits, Diageo and latterly Kellogg’s, where she was Head of Innovation for Europe.