Michael Bell

Michael has over thirty-four years’ experience in the food industry and has been the Executive Director of Northern Ireland Food and Drink Association (NIFDA) for over 22 years. He previously worked in Northern Ireland and Malta for twelve years working closely with major retailers and was a member of the Board of Ormeau Bakery. 

Maureen Edmondson

Maureen Edmondson is a food scientist by training and experience. She studied at Queen’s University of Belfast gaining her doctorate in food bacteriology. She is a Fellow of IFST, a Chartered Scientist and Visiting Professor at Ulster University. Maureen worked 20 years for Mars Incorporated where she was responsible for International Scientific Affairs. Maureen served six years as a Board Member for the Food Standards Agency and Chair of the Northern Ireland Food Advisory Committee.

John Bassett

In this new role, John will be focusing on developing the Institute’s outward facing activities - particularly aimed at growing the Institute’s increasing influence on matters of policy in relation to all the Institute’s areas of interest. John is also responsible for coordinating and directly inputting to IFST’s position on scientific and other areas of policy.


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