The Registered Scientist (RSci) award provides recognition of the important scientific and higher technical roles found across all aspects of the food sector.
The award of RSci is based on a combination of knowledge, competence and commitment to high standards of professionalism. This registration not only provides recognition but can also be used as a springboard to future recognition as a Chartered Scientist (CSci). Registered Scientists apply their skills and knowledge whilst working autonomously and have the ability to resolve problems and identify, review and select appropriate techniques, procedures and methods.
Whilst registrants may not have the term ‘scientist’ within their job title, there are various roles within the food sector such as new product development, food safety, food analysis, product quality and food production that can lead to being awarded RSci.
This professional registration is awarded under licence from the Science Council. Once registered, you must maintain your registration by meeting continuing professional development (CPD) requirements each year - see below for more information on this.
Benefits of RSci registration
- Achieving the high professional standard of demonstrating your professionalism and commitment to your role
- Public recognition for your knowledge and experience
- Development of skills and competence
- Can improve your chances of promotion
- Holders are entitled to use designatory letters RSci
- Free access to personal and career development tool called myCPD
How to Apply
You can apply online by logging in to your IFST account. Please ensure you have read the guidance document (below) before submitting your application. Applications for Registered Scientist (RSci) require demonstrating sufficient experience against 5 areas of different competencies. If you are not a member yet, check your eligibility and apply here. Our online tool will guide you step by step through the following requirements:
- Competence report
- CV or linkedin profile
- Name of one referee
- Copy of highest qualification
- Current membership and registration fees. Please note that IFST membership is compulsory for anyone joining a professional register.
How will my application be assessed?
Your application will be assessed by our Membership Assessment Panel (MAP). The Panel are all experienced food professionals who will be looking for you to draw on your direct experience to provide clear evidence that you have required the knowledge and skills not only to do your job, but that you are able to go beyond the basic requirements and use your initiative and experience to find solutions and make improvements.
The Panel may ask you to re-submit your comptence report related to specific aspects of your application.
Maintaining Registration
If your application is successful, you will be required to maintain a CPD portfolio, and achieve 25 hours of CPD each year. The CPD year runs from 1 April to 31 March, and registrants are audited every few years to ensure that their CPD meets the standards set by the Science Council. More information on this is available on the IFST website or by contacting us JoinUs@ifst.org
Further information
Should you have any questions or need assistance in completing your application, please contact us. A recording of a webinar on becoming a Registered Scientist is available here: Registered Scientist webinar
Please note that the Science Council has a shortened application route for apprenticeships that have been deemed as aligned. More information is available here: Apply for Professional Registration as an apprentice
Good luck and we look forward to receiving your application!