Opportunity for IFST Members to Join Two New Groups

As part of our continued commitment to improving the experience of our members, IFST will be forming two new member groups to help with IFST activities in two key areas:

Membership Group

This group will ensure that IFST members are at the centre of the development of new services, activities, and resources, and that these outputs are geared towards their needs. The group will be chaired by IFST Vice President for Membership, Ben Dodridge. We would like this group to represent the full breadth of the IFST membership; being comprised of two of each of the following membership groups:

  • Student Members
  • Associates
  • Members
  • Fellows

We would also like to see representation from the eight regional branches and six special interest groups (SIGs) to ensure coverage of all major IFST member groups. This coverage will ensure that the new Membership Group will be effective in achieving its goal of improving and growing the member experience.

Income Generation Group

The purpose of the Income Generation Group will be to explore opportunities relating to new income streams for the institute. The Income Generation Group will be a dedicated team, composed of members focused on identifying and creating new revenue opportunities. Through innovative initiatives, strategic partnerships, and tailored offerings, the group aims to support IFST’s long-term financial sustainability, helping to enhance member services and advance food science and technology. This group will be chaired by Chris Gilbert-Wood and will be comprised of members with commercial experience, or those wishing to get more involved in the commercial world, who would be willing to spend time looking at new ideas and working in small task and finish groups to investigate those ideas.

The time commitment for both groups will be 4-6 meetings per year with small task and finish groups in-between which will require more input.

To apply to be a part of either group, please email info@ifst.org by 14 October with an expression of interest.