IFST Publishes Update to Sustainable Food System Framework

IFST has released an update to our report, "Food System Framework: A Focus on Food Sustainability." Serving as a comprehensive update to our 2018 publication, this new report represents a collaborative effort among leading experts and stakeholders to address the multifaceted challenges facing the food system in the effort to deliver healthy, safe, sustainable, and affordable food to the public.

Click here to access the report.

The strain placed on the food system is well-documented; in 2023 the Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems, and Climate Action was signed by over 150 UN member states at COP28 in the United Arab Emirates. The urgent need to develop and implement sustainable solutions within the food industry has never been more apparent. Against this backdrop, IFST's latest report offers a roadmap towards a more sustainable and resilient future.

"At the Institute of Food Science and Technology, we recognise the pivotal role that food plays in shaping the health of our planet and its people," said Chris Gilbert-Wood, acting Chief Executive of IFST. "With this report, we aim to catalyse meaningful change within the food industry by providing actionable insights and strategies for building a more sustainable and equitable food system."

While the report encompasses a wide range of topics, including resource management, healthy diets, and equitable trade, it is anchored by six key themes:

  1. Resource Risks and Pressures: The report examines the interplay between resource scarcity, environmental degradation, and the inequality between the global population. By identifying key areas of vulnerability, stakeholders can implement targeted strategies to mitigate risks and enhance the resilience of food supply chains.
  2. Healthy Sustainable Diets: The report advocates for the adoption of healthy and sustainable diets that prioritise both human health and environmental well-being. By promoting a shift towards plant-based diets and nutrient-dense foods, stakeholders can contribute to improved public health outcomes while reducing the environmental footprint of food production.
  3. Circular Economy and Sustainable Manufacturing: Central to the concept of sustainability is the notion of circularity, wherein resources are utilised in a closed-loop system to minimise waste and maximise efficiency. Through innovative manufacturing processes and circular supply chain models, stakeholders can create a more sustainable food system that is both economically viable and environmentally responsible.
  4. Novel Production Systems and Ingredients: Innovation serves as a driving force behind the evolution of sustainable food systems. From vertical farming and aquaponics to the development of alternative protein sources, the report explores the potential of novel production systems and ingredients to revolutionise the way we grow, produce, and consume food.
  5. Decent Work and Equitable Trade: The report also emphasizes the importance of social sustainability within the food industry. By promoting fair labour practices, ensuring decent working conditions, and fostering equitable trade relationships, stakeholders can create a more just and inclusive food system that uplifts and empowers all members of the supply chain.
  6. Transparency, Traceability, and Trust: In an era defined by heightened consumer awareness and scrutiny, transparency and traceability have become paramount. By embracing technologies such as blockchain and implementing robust traceability measures, stakeholders can enhance trust and confidence in the food system, empowering consumers to make informed choices about the food they eat.

As the global community grapples with the urgent challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, and food insecurity, the release of "Food System Framework: A Focus on Food Sustainability" is a timely resource to support actors in the food system. With its holistic approach to sustainability and its emphasis on collaboration and innovation, the report represents a significant step towards building a more resilient, equitable, and sustainable food system for generations to come.