Display of food hygiene ratings in England, Wales and Northern Ireland

The Food Standards Agency has published the results from its 2017 wave of independent research designed to assess the proportion of food businesses that are displaying their food hygiene ratings.

The findings show that England continues to stay behind Wales and Northern Ireland in terms of display rates. Rates of display of stickers visible from outside the premises were:

  • 49% in England
  • 84% in Wales
  • 82% in Northern Ireland

In Northern Ireland, there has been a significant increase in the proportion of establishments that are displaying their rating so that it is visible from the outside (82% compared to 48% in 2016). In Wales, there has also been a significant increase in outside display of ratings (84% compared to 68% in 2016).

In England, businesses with a higher rating continue to be more likely to display than those with a lower rating. Over two-thirds (67%) of those with a rating of 5 are displaying their rating compared to 28% of those that have a rating of 0-3.

The Food Hygiene Rating Scheme (FHRS) was launched in 2010 and is run in partnership between the Food Standards Agency and local authorities. Businesses in Wales and Northern Ireland are legally required to display their ratings in a prominent place. Display of food hygiene rating is not mandatory in England.