April 2018 issue of IJFST available online

The April 2018 issue of the International Journal of Food Science and Technology (IJFST) has been published online and is freely available to IFST members.

Research from this issue includes:

  • Structural and mechanical characteristics of bread and their impact on oral processing: a review
  • Lentil protein: a review of functional properties and food application. An overview of lentil protein functionality
  • Improving quality of fresh-cut mango using polysaccharide-based edible coatings
  • Reduced contamination and infection via inhibition of adhesion of foodborne bacteria to abiotic polystyrene and biotic amoeba surfaces
  • Effect of seaweed flakes addition on the development of bioactivities in functional Camembert-type cheese
  • Effect of high hydrostatic pressure to sweet potato flour on dough properties and characteristics of sweet potato-wheat bread 

and much more!!!!

For IFST member the International Journal of Food Science and Technology is available free of charge online and in print form at discounted rates.  Find out more and access for members