£5.1 million UKRI funding for UK aquaculture research and innovation

Vaccines made using algae to keep fish free from disease and help protect the UK’s aquaculture industry are one of the 12 projects selected to receive a total of £5.1 million which will further research to address challenges for aquaculture.

Other projects include studying genetics and breeding patterns, looking at how shellfish can be more sustainable, immunising trout against kidney disease and examining how robust salmon are and how susceptible to disease they are at sea.

The UK Aquaculture Initiative is a joint BBSRC and NERC project to support high-quality, innovative research and address strategic challenges facing UK aquaculture. This investment represents a total of £5.1 million, along with contributions from co-funders AFBI and Cefas and a range of industry partners who will collaborate with academic researchers on the projects.