Ann West

How does it feel to be recognised for the work you’ve done for IFST?

It feels great to be recognised for volunteering although I am sure there are more worthy winners.  On the Membership Assessment Panel we have a quite few unsung heroes. A team of volunteers who quietly get on with the work of assessing membership applications.

Why is it important to be a member of a body like IFST?

 I enjoy being member as you come into contact with lovely, friendly and clever people. It is also important for professionals in food science and technology to be recognised. I think that IFST gives them that recognition and is a valuable voice in the right places.

You Chair the Membership Assessment Panel, tell us a little about your responsibilities and what the Panel is currently focusing on.

MAP is part of the Professional Development Committee and has the responsibility for accepting new members into IFST. The Panel assesses applications for membership, fellowship and the Science Council registers

Currently MAP is looking at applications from group membership schemes, assessing CPD reports from Chartered Scientist and making sure that we are ready for more applications for RSciTech and RSci

How valuable is professional recognition?

Professional recognition is important for individuals and collectively for food scientists and technologists. For an individual it places you in a community of like minded people.  It gives a code of professional conduct and can provide a wealth of knowledge. Active membership gives opportunities to meet other professionals and exchange ideas and information. For food science and technology it is important that it is recognised as a profession.  I hope that we can grow our numbers as I believe the bigger we are the louder our voice and that is important for us and consumers.

What advice would you give someone thinking about a career in Food Science?

If you love food and have an interest in science then go for it.  Food is fundamental to our lives and our well being. I have been passionate about food and its preparation since I was a teenager. My passion drove me into my career in food science and I have thoroughly enjoyed it all, especially the consumption part.

Tell us something about yourself that not many people know​?

I love football and you will find me at most of Sheffield United’s home games. Up the Blades!
