Our Daily Bread: 60 years of bread processing and ingredient evolution and its impact on nutrition and health

IFST Members - Free, Non-members - £25
Thursday, 24 October, 2024 - 11:30 to 12:30

This webinar is organised by IFST Food Science and Nutrition SIG

IFST is celebrating its 60th year this year and what better way to celebrate than to delve into the history of the staples milk and bread.

This second webinar will focus on bread. There will be a broad overview of how it has changed in terms of processing techniques (Chorleywood process) and ingredients, consumer trends and new product development, nutritional composition (including salt reduction) and meeting dietary needs.

Half the session is dedicated to Q&A, so there will be ample opportunity to ask the speakers questions after their presentation, perhaps on the nutritional equivalence (or otherwise) between wheat and gluten-free breads or whether changes in processing have detrimental or beneficial effects on taste, nutrition or functionality.

What participants will learn about:

  • An overview of bread production techniques, including the science of different processes and ingredients
  • Consumer trends and NPD
  • Nutritional composition changes over 60 years

Target Audience:

Industry colleagues, Academics, Food scientists, Nutritionists, Students

Chair: Kate Halliwell - Chief Scientific Officer, Food and Drink Federation

Kate Halliwell is the Food and Drink Federation’s Chief Scientific Officer. Kate is accountable for the FDF’s food safety, food law and labelling, and diet and health policy briefs. The role involves extensive liaison with food and drink manufacturing companies to develop cross-industry policy positions and responding to scientific consultations. Previously Kate led the FDF’s diet and health policy work, and before that worked for the Department of Health and the Food Standards Agency on a range of nutrition and legislation policies. Kate Chairs the IFST’s Special Interest Group for Food Science and Nutrition and is a registered nutritionist.


Martin Whitworth, Campden BRI

Nicky Gillett, Allied Bakeries/Federation of Bakers

Dr Stacey Lockyer, British Nutrition Foundation


IFST member - Free

Non-IFST member - £25.00

If you are an IFST member, please ensure that you are logged into the IFST website before completing your booking so you can access member rates for events. Published events fees will apply to non-members and members can only gain preferential rates by logging in to their IFST account.

Sponsorship opportunities are available. For more information, click here and please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions via events@ifst.org.

Please note: IFST is a registered charity with the mission of ‘recognising and empowering food professionals by promoting excellence in science and its application throughout the food chain’. Each year, we are proud to run over 60 events, including webinars and workshops, which engage with thousands of food professionals worldwide from over 50 countries. IFST members attend all webinars free of charge. All non-members who would like to attend our events will be charged a small fee and all attendees will receive a certificate of attendance.

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