David McCleery is the Chair of the Northern Ireland branch. He was nominated for Volunteer of the Week for his help in planning the Jubilee lecture broadcast event in Northern Ireland.
How does it feel to be recognised as volunteer of the week?
I don’t know what to say as I am only one of a number of volunteers who make the IFST what it is. I think it is great the IFST is recognising these efforts. You get much more from being a volunteer than you can ever put in, so it is a privilege to be part of the IFST. I would encourage others to see what contribution they can make to the IFST or similar organisations. I shall treasure my new mug.
Why is it important to be a member of a body like IFST?
For me it is about professional development, networking and advancing this exciting area of science. I joined the IFST as an undergraduate student and it has supported me at all points of my career. I can’t image being a food professional without being a member of IFST.
You are the current Chair of the Northern Ireland Branch, tell us a little more.
Yes, I have been Chair for almost a year now. I have been fortunate to have taken over a Branch that has been completely revitalised in the recent past thanks to the efforts of our previous Chairs and committee members. We have a full programme of events and have ambitions to develop our offerings further to meet the needs of an expanding local Agri-food sector.
You are organising an event which will coincide with the IFST lecture on 11 November, What can people attending expect?
We are planning a celebration that will focus on the contribution of the IFST to the local Agri-food supply chain under the theme of innovation, showcasing local talent before ‘beaming in’ the Jubilee Lecture.
Tell us something that not many people know.
Well I applied to be an astronaut and got through to the second round assessment centre in Germany. Unfortunately, my dream ended there, but I did meet a large number of very interesting people (mostly scientists) who, like me, were also hoping to make a childhood ambition a reality.