Food Science Glossary
Term | Definition |
B vitamins |
Water-soluble vitamins which help the body release energy from food. There are many B vitamins, all of which are required in a healthy diet |
Bacteria |
Group of single-celled organisms with a cell wall but no organelles (structure in a cell with a specific function) |
Base |
When added to an acid, will form a salt. Accepts hydrogen ions from an acid |
Beta-oxidation |
Breakdown of fatty acids to generate acetyl coenzyme A during a metabolic process |
Biofilm |
A protective layer that microbes gradually create in order to survive a hostile environment |
Biopolymer |
Polymers (eg cellulose, protein, DNA) produced by living organisms (e.g plants, animals) |
Biotechnology |
Controlled manipulation of biological systems for a desired outcome |
Bitterness |
A strong flavour, generally lacking in sweetness and usually quite sharp e.g in coffee and citrus fruit |
Blanching |
A process where foods, such as vegetables, are boiled for a very short time, then plunged into cold water to stop the cooking process |
Botulism |
A rare but potentially fatal illness caused by toxins from bacterial spores. Food-borne botulism can be caused by eating improperly processed canned foods |
Brewing |
Producing beer by soaking starch in water, then fermenting the sweet liquid with yeast, producing ethanol and carbon dioxide bubbles |
Browning |
When the surface of food becomes darker and browner in colour as a result of cooking |
Bulking agent |
A food additive that increases the weight and/or volume of food without altering its nutritional value |
Butyric acid |
A carboxylic acid which can be found in, for example, milk and parmesan cheese |