Food businesses still not doing enough to provide written allergen information to consumers - FSAI

According to the latest survey carried out by the Food Safety Authority of Ireland, 2 out of 5 adults (43%) are unaware that food businesses must provide consumers with accurate written allergen information in relation to the food they are serving or selling. 1 in 5 (20%) of food businesses are not doing enough to inform consumers about the allergens in their food.

Key findings include:

  • 4 out of 5 people (88%) agree that it is good that food businesses are legally required to provide written information on food allergens
  • Restaurants (77%), cafes (71%), and hotels (69%) perform relatively strongly with most people having seen written allergen information in these food businesses
  • Over 2 out of 3 people say they have not seen written allergen information displayed at food stalls at market (74%), child care facilities (66%), staff canteens (64%), farmers/food markets (74%) and food vans/ice cream vans (82%)

All food business are legally obliged to provide consumers with accurate written information in relation to 14 specified allergens whether the food is packaged or non-prepacked.

The FSAI also launched a national campaign to re-enforce and remind food businesses of their legal obligations.