Meat cutting plant and cold store review - FSS

The Food Standards Scotland (FSS) has published a dedicated webpage with information on the UK wide review of meat cutting plants and cold stores.

Food Standards Scotland (FSS) and the Food Standards Agency (FSA) are responsible for providing assurance to consumers that all food businesses in the sector are meeting their legal obligations to produce safe, authentic food that satisfies hygiene and welfare standards.

They announced the UK review of cutting plants and cold stores on 1 February 2018 to improve levels of public confidence in the safety and authenticity of UK meat and identify potential improvements in the way the sector is regulated in the wake of non-compliance issues identified at various cutting plants.

FSS and FSA are now in Phase 2 of the review where they are engaging with key stakeholders to develop recommendations for improvement. As part of this process they have issued evidence gathering surveys to local authorities and food businesses to gain further insight, and six workshops are being held across England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland to jointly develop recommendations for change and consider how to implement them.