The Food Safety Authority of Ireland’s (FSAI) Scientific Committee has published a report which outlines the process that the food supplement industry can use to establish maximum safe level for 21 of the 30 vitamins and minerals permitted in food supplements in Ireland.
The report sets out tolerable upper intake levels of these nutrients for the population of Ireland which can be used by the food supplement industry as a guide to ensure that the daily dose provided by supplements containing vitamins and minerals is safe when placed on the Irish market.
The FSAI’s Scientific Committee recommendations include a new risk assessment approach to aid the industry in ensuring the levels of the nutrients they use in food supplements are safe. It sets out the highest dietary intakes of these micronutrients that are safe for people of different ages and gender. It also outlines how safe levels of vitamins and minerals vary according to age and gender.
FSAI’s report reviews all of the 30 vitamins and minerals permitted in food supplements in the EU. For those 21 nutrients that have an established tolerable upper level, the adverse effects of excessive intakes are also outlined.
The Authority will be developing a guidance document in conjunction with food supplement industry representatives to assist the industry in understanding the implications and findings of this report and the actions they should take in relation to their products.