Frozen corn likely source of ongoing Listeria monocytogenes outbreak - EFSA

According to the rapid outbreak assessment published by EFSA and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), frozen corn is the likely source of an outbreak of Listeria monocytogenes which has affected five EU Member States (Austria, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and the UK) since 2015. As of 8 March 2018, 32 cases including six deaths had been reported.

Investigations point towards frozen corn packed in Poland and processed and produced in Hungary. The report recommends further investigations to identify the exact point of contamination in the food chain.

Food business operators in Poland, Finland, Sweden and Estonia have withdrawn and recalled the implicated products. These measures are likely to reduce the risk of human infections in these countries.

However, new cases may be identified due to the long incubation period of listeriosis (up to 70 days), the long shelf-life of frozen corn products and the potential consumption of frozen corn bought before the recall was implemented.

To reduce the risk of L. monocytogenes infection from frozen corn, consumers should adequately heat frozen vegetables that are not ready-to-eat products. This applies especially to consumers at the highest risk of contracting listeriosis – such as the elderly, pregnant women, new-borns and adults with weakened immune systems.