Food Standards Scotland research show healthy eating remains a top concern for people in Scotland

FSS has published the results from the last wave of its ‘Food in Scotland’ Consumer Tracking Survey which shows that healthy eating is an increasingly significant concern for people in Scotland.

According to the survey, two in five people’s top concern when it comes to food was making sure themselves and their families eat a healthy, balanced diet. This is an increase of 8% since the start of tracking in 2015. Nearly half (49%) also agreed that affordability is a barrier to healthy eating.

Despite more than half (58%) regarding their own diet as being healthy, nine in ten respondents indicated they were concerned about the levels of salt, sugar, fat and saturated fat found in food. 52% said that they are ‘concerned a lot’ about consuming unnecessary sugar, which is an increase of 8% from the previous wave of the survey in December 2017, and the highest figure recorded to date.