Love Food Love Science - how did we get here?
In November 2015, IFST hosted an 'education policy forum' for a range of stakeholders from across the education and food sectors.
Three work streams emerged in response to the loss of the A' Level and the introduction of the new GCSE in Food Preparation and Nutrition;
- supporting the new GCSE with IFST member input,
- exploring how to influence future education policy and curriculum development, and
- redeveloping IFST's Love Food Love Science (IFST's education-based website which had fallen out of date and did not have a clear audience).
Since then IFST has been working with its partners to take forward this work. In mid-December 2016, IFST Board approved a project to redevelop the Love Food Love Science programme to focus in on meeting the needs of secondary school food and science teachers. In January 2017, IFST worked with the Food Teachers Centre to undertake a gap analysis, looking at what resources were already available to food technology teachers to identify where IFST might support them. On the back of the gap analysis, IFST decided to concentrate on the food investigation element of the new GCSE, a non-examined part of the course. This led to the development and signposting of the video and text resources, and the facility for teachers to access food science mentors (IFST members), to help them deliver the food science and technology in the classroom.